001 Teddy Fiktorius 2014

Foto Teddy Alumni 2014

Teddy Fiktorius

Teddy Fiktorius (2014)A Validation Study on National English Examination of Junior High School in Indonesia.” Supervisors: Dr. Ikhsanudin, M. Hum. and Urai Salam, M. CALL., Ph.D.. Masters Study Program of English Language Education of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Tanjungpura University Pontianak.

ABSTRACT. Junior High School National English Examination in Indonesia is a nationally recognised English language test. Despite this, the test is perceived to embed quality biases in its structure. For that reason, evidence is gathered in a validation analysis conducted to impose quality assurance. This research concentrates on specific relevant questions regarding the content validity, the test score reliability, the item difficulty, the item discrimination, and the effectiveness of each distractor of Junior High School National English Examination in the academic year 2012/2013. The research purpose is to provide feedback about the quality of the test items from a local context that will lead to the improvement of National English Examination and English teaching and learning in Indonesia.
The research is descriptive and exploratory in nature. Some qualitative evidence and quantitative data from the test scores are collected, analysed, and interpreted. Simple random sampling is applied to obtain 1 packet of test items out of 42 packets. Next, for the sample of participants as the examinees, 3 junior high schools are selected through stratified purposive sampling based on the school accreditation ranks. Lastly, for the sample of participants as the content validity analysts, 3 senior English subject teachers are purposively selected based upon the set criteria.
The research findings show that the test has fulfilled the criteria of having content validity. However, the test score reliability coefficient calculated with Kuder-Richardson Formula 21 (KR-21) is .65 which is categorised unreliable as the value falls below the accepted minimum value .70. Through item analysis, 42 items (84%) are found to be problematic items that are in need of improvement. The test developers need to consider revising items with very low or very high item difficulty and very low item discrimination. Furthermore, a further action needs to be taken to revise the implausible distractors.
Based on the findings and conclusion formulated in this research, recommendations for its improvement are made and several areas for future research are also identified.

Keywords: National English Examination, validity, reliability, item difficulty, item discrimination, effectiveness of each distractor

BIO. Teddy Fiktorius, born on 5 May 1985, has been teaching in Bina Mulia Education Foundation since 2006.

VIVA: CUM LAUDE. Teddy Fiktorius (F52212025) on Tuesday 22 Apr 2014 at 13.00 (Examination Room). “A Validation Study on National English Examination of Junior High School in Indonesia”. Examiner I (external) Dr. Istiqomah; Examiner II Dr. Clarry Sada; Examiner III (Supervisor I) Dr. Ikhsanudin; and Examiner IV (Supervisor II) Urai Salam,PhD. <<<<<pursued in 1 year and 8 m>>>>>

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