010 Nurul Kamilati Husain 2014

S2 Nurul Kamilati Husain AlumniNurul Kamilati Husain,2014. “Reducing Student’s Disruptive Behaviors Using Sticky Flashcard”. A Classroom Action Research in the Third Grade of SDS Al-Madani Pontianak Tenggara in the Year 2013/2014.”

Supervisor I : Dr. Clarry Sada, M.Pd.
Supervisor II : Dr. Ikhsanudin, M.Hum.

Abstract: The students of the third grade of SDS Al-Madani Pontianak performs disruptive behavior and their mean score is low. For that, the researcher uses sticky flashcard as a media in teaching English. The research aimed to investigate the use of sticky flashcard to reduce the students’ disruptive behavior, to improve students’ vocabulary score and students’ response using sticky flashcard. The researcher conducts a classroom action research in two cycles. The observation checklist, field notes, written tests and questionnaire are used to collect the data. First cycle, sticky flashcard uses through discussion, the result 32 disruptive behaviors occurs and the mean score is 54. Second cycle, sticky flashcard uses through games, the result 3 disruptive behaviors occurs and the mean score is 76. The students’ response are excited and helped by sticky flashcard. The conclusion, the use of sticky flashcard reduces the students’ disruptive behavior and improves the students’ vocabulary achievement. Keywords: Sticky Flashcard, disruptive behaviors, vocabulary.

Nurul Kamilati Husain (F52212013) on Thursday 23 October 2014 at 08.00-10.00 (Examination Room) “The Use of Sticky Flashcard in Teaching Vocabulary for Young Learners (A Classroom Action Research in the Third Grade of SDS Al-Madani Pontianak Tenggara in the Year 2013/2014) Examiner I (External) Dr. Istiqomah; Examiner II Dr. Iwan Supardi; Examiner III (Supervisor I) Dr. Clarry Sada; Examiner IV (Supervisor II) Dr. Ikhsanudin. <<<<<pursued in 2 year and 2 months>>>>>.

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