Electronic Journals

IMG_8642There are numerous electronic journal article websites that you can access to support your writing work. On this page, we share the information about the international journal link.

One of the journal articles that belongs to Universitas Tanjungpura is ICOTE Proceeding and Jurnal Untan. You can access the link here:
library Universitas Tanjung Pura

  1. Jurnal UNTAN
  2. ICOTE Proceeding
  3. Jeltim
  4. IJLI

The National Electronic Journal:

  1. Garuda
  2.  Cengage
  3. EBSCO
  4. ProQuest
  5. Portal Garuda
  6. Perpustakkan Nasional Republik Indonesia
  8. JEFL
  9. JETL

International Electronic Journal:

  1. PDF Drive
  2. IISTE
  3. Google Scholar
  4. Jornal Asia TEFL
  5. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
  6. Journal of teacher education
  7. Modern Language Education
  8. Teachers and Teaching
  9. TESOL Quarterly
  10. System
  11. ELT Journal